SACC-SFL trust member Mulchan CPA shares the following highlights of the three COVID-19 relief packages recently signed into law by the US Administration: #1 COVID-19 relief package Coronavirus Preparedness and Responses Supplemental Appropriation ...
Postponed – Second Annual Golf Tournament
Due to the current status of the Corona virus, and our primary focus being the health of our participants, SACC SFL has decided to postpone the Second Annual Golf Tournament without further notice. Under the current circumstances, we’re unable to meet the ...
March Newsletter 2020
A WORD FROM OUR PRESIDENT What a great start of the year! On February 6th we had the pleasure of welcoming as guest of honor, H.E. Karin Olofsdotter, Ambassador of Sweden to the United States. Karin is a strong supporter of SACC, and as usual she shared ...